Podcasts have been more and more popular in the recent years. It is also a great and modern communication format. However, did you know that it can also be an effective form of B2B communication?
For our client Tymbe, the largest online platform for arranging temporary jobs in the Czech Republic, we agreed participation in the podcast „Na vlně podnikání“ organized by the weekly magazine Ekonom. Thanks for the opportunity!
In the broadcasting, Tymbe co-founder Michal Harasek shared his outlook on the labour market and its development, revealed how Tymbe supports its clients with automate recruitment solutions or how AI can connect companies with people interested in temporary jobs.
You can listen the broadcasting on following link (in Czech) https://podcasty.ekonom.cz/c1-67182800-na-vlne-podnikani-s-michalem-haraskem-o-digitalizaci-zprostredkovani-brigad